Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Incredible stories from the village of Bweyale

Hey everyone. Chris here...I got a call from my sweetheart in Masindi, Uganda today. She is very upbeat and excited about what God is doing through the team there. In fact, in the village of Bweyale, she and the PT team taught a little girl how to walk today for the very first time. When there is a girl walking today who couldn't yesterday, I call that a miracle. I am so crazy proud of her and the team, and ask for your continued prayers for all of them. I do believe this is the first of many miraculous and incredible stories from Uganda, and look forward to sharing what I know when I know it. I am exceptionally grateful for the chance to talk to her today. If someone was praying for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The sound of her voice brought me great joy.

The PMI blog has some details of other incredible things going on, so please check it out: http://www.palmettomedical.org/2012/03/13/the-balancing-act-bweyale-day-2/. They move on to the village of Enttoma tomorrow. I believe there are some divine appointments that are about to be met, and I can't wait to hear about them. Please keep praying.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trying my hand at posting from the iPod. Testing 1 2 3
Well, tomorrow is the day.  We are heading out bright dark and early in the morning.  Thank you so very much to all of you who have supported me in prayer and financially.  It means more to me than I can express.  Please continue to pray for the team and my family.  I am really excited about what is in store!  Depending on time and internet access (and my technical proficiency), I hope to keep you all updated here on the trip.  Anyway, God bless all of you, and see you soon!
